Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I share some Good News from the American West? Yes, please! You can submit it through this form.
2. How do I suggest a podcast guest? Please fill out this form and provide as much information and collateral material as possible about the potential guest. While I cannot guarantee they will be a fit or that the timing will work, I’m always excited to learn about interesting people doing important work in the American West.*
3. Can I be a guest on Mountain & Prairie? I’m not sure. But, assuming you are down-to-earth, humble, and fun to chat with, I’d love to hear your story. Please fill out this form and let me know what you’re up to.*
*Additional Guidance: If you’re looking for a political debate or a fiery argument, you’ve come to the wrong podcast. I don’t do outrage, I don’t do division, and I try my best not to do things that bring out the worst in people. This podcast is the opposite of social media—it’s a place for thoughtful, uplifting conversations, not hot takes and internet brawls. Since it’s my show, I get to focus on what actually interests me—stories that inspire, connect, and remind us of what’s good. Plenty of podcasts thrive on drama and debate—Mountain & Prairie just isn’t one of them.
4. Can I send you a copy of my new book? I never say no to good books. However, given the number of books that arrive on my doorstep each week, I cannot guarantee that I’ll be able to read it in a timely manner, if at all. I’m in this weird/awesome/unexpected position of receiving tons of amazing books, and unfortunately for me, there’s no way I can read them all. Given that disclaimer, if you still want to send it, please reach out, and I’ll provide my mailing address.
5. Will you include my book in your book recommendations email? I cannot guarantee it. There is really no rhyme or reason to how I select the books I read. I simply lock into whatever title happens to capture my attention in that moment, kind of like how golden retrievers will chase whatever squirrel or tennis ball happens to enter their field of vision. So, unless it’s a podcast guest’s book, I have no idea what I’ll be reading from one week to the next.
6. How and why do you read so many books? I recently released a Shed Sesh episode in which I answer this question in possibly too much detail.
7. I received your book recommendations email and have some oddly strong opinions about it. Where do I direct my scorn? Don’t waste your time, because I will not respond. I would, however, encourage you to immediately unsubscribe from my email and start your own. For more guidance, see #21.
8. Can I buy you a coffee or connect on Zoom and pick your brain? As much as I love caffeine and meeting interesting people, I, unfortunately, do not have the time to meet up with everyone who reaches out. If you have a specific question, you can submit it here. I will add it to my list and possibly answer it in a future Patreon-exclusive Shed Session episode.
9. How do I land my dream job in conservation or outdoor-focused work? I’m always surprised by how often I get this question, as I’m probably not the person anyone should be asking for career advice. That being said, I made a ridiculously long podcast episode that answers that question to the best of my ability. Or better yet, go to the M&P podcast page, filter the episodes by topic/vocation, and listen to a few– those smart guests have much more wisdom than I ever will.
10. Any advice for starting a podcast? Start now and don’t stop. For more information and additional resources than you possibly want/need, check out my Shed Session episode: Everything I Know About Starting a Podcast.
11. How do you pronounce your last name? [ROB-er-suhn] or “Robber-son.”
12. What’s the story with The Shed? It’s just a standard backyard prefab garden shed that I, along with the help of my dad, converted into M&P World Headquarters. I made an official “Shed Tour” video for M&P Patreon supporters.
13. If I only read one book about Theodore Roosevelt, what should it be? First of all, it’s impossible only to read one. But, if you like in-depth, dense history, read The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris– it’s also my favorite book of all time. If you’re more of a fan of action-packed narrative history, read The River of Doubt by Candice Millard. And here’s an old blog post where I recommend a few other TR books based on the many facets of his absurdly full life.
14. Can you speak or interview someone or host a live podcast at my upcoming event/conference/show/festival? I’m always excited to collaborate with like-minded people and organizations. Please reach out and let me know what you are thinking.
15. What is your fee for hosting live events, speaking, or leading multi-day experiences? My fees vary depending on each event’s details, travel, and deliverables. Please send me a message with more information, and we can discuss.
16. Can my organization sponsor Mountain & Prairie episodes? I do not participate in the status quo podcast sponsorship business model, and I don’t promote mattresses, stamps, job recruiting websites, sports books, or the like. Instead, I’m proud to partner with organizations whose values align with Mountain & Prairie. If you’d like to discuss a potential mutually beneficial partnership, I’d love to hear more.
17. How can I support your work? It blows my mind that anyone pays a lick of attention to anything I’m doing, so I’m always humbled and surprised when people want to support my work. There are a few ways: You can suggest it to a friend, leave a positive review on Apple Podcasts/Spotify, or share it on social media. Word-of-mouth recommendations are all-powerful. And if you’d like to support my work financially, Patreon is the best vehicle for that. Thank you.
18. Why didn’t you respond to my message? It’s not you, it’s my overflowing inbox—a never-ending source of stress and mild existential dread. I read everything (except weird sales pitches and spam), but if I replied to every message, I’d never have time for the actual things people email me about. No podcasts, no writing, no reading—just an endless email vortex. Cal Newport and Oliver Burkeman would agree: time is finite, and I have to spend it wisely. Thanks for understanding!
19. Do you accept “guest posts”? I’m not even sure what this means, but I get the question a lot, mostly from very strange-seeming people and/or robots. My answer is always no.
20. I represent a new fancy schmancy company/app that helps podcasters/bloggers/influencers make big buck$. Do you have time for a call? No.
21. I am outraged by what you said or didn’t say about [insert your topic here] and think you are a member of the [insert a wacko ideology here] movement. How do I lodge a formal complaint? No need. I will not respond. Instead, you should use that time and energy to learn to meditate. Here’s a free month of instruction, on me.
22. What is your favorite quote from Road House? “Opinions vary.” -Dalton
Contact Ed
If you can’t find your answer above, please send me a message below.